In the U.S, we are all familiar with the stories of the madness that swept the nation at the discovery of gold hiding in the hills and mountains of the west. Many of us have also been to plenty of museums describing the rush and how it led to the creation of many towns and cities that can still be found today. However, very few would consider these stories when they think of Aruba; after all, what do mining and sandy beaches have in common? Well, believe it or not, Aruba has its own rich history centered around the precious metal. Read on to learn about the Bushiribana Gold Mill Ruins and the stories that lie amongst the stones!
A Gleaming History
Long ago, before tourists routinely walked along the sandy shores, there was a mass gold fever that swept through the inhabitants of the island. Throughout the early years, many searched for the riches they were certain lay beneath the sands and would allow for a life of luxury and dreams. Finally, in 1824, the first bits of gold were discovered. This led to a large surge in the Aruba mining industry, and in 1825 the Bushiribana Gold Mill was constructed to help process the raw ore from Ceru Plat and other mining operations. At one point in its relatively short history, it was producing over one million pounds of gold each year. However, as is with most things, all good things must come to an end. In 1916, when the mines began to run dry, and the processing plants slowed down; it was admittedly over, and the once proud mill was abandoned.

A Modern Ruin
While the mill is nowhere near what it was in its heyday, and much of the original structure has been destroyed by the hands of time, it still stands as an interesting stop in your explorations of the island. There is something oddly entertaining about exploring the Bushiribana ruins of what once was and walking amongst the ruined stoned and broken wood that at one point was a proud structure. However, along with some interesting exploring, the ruins prove a fantastic point to stand above the sands and look out across the island and blue sea. Not to mention it’s the perfect place to relax and watch a sunset as the world begins to fall asleep. As well, if you find yourself heading to Natural Bridge, you’ll find it’s on the way, making it a perfect quick stop on your personal tour of the island and its many treasures.
So, if you are ready to explore a living piece of history and explore the intriguing and unique past of Aruba, make sure you book your rental property online with Casiola Aruba today!